American Nursing
Just really been getting into podcasts, very late on the uptake but anyhow heres a interesting podcast that really helps give a perspective on how American healthcare really differs from English. Excuse the annoying start where shitty political correctness are brought into the discussions. http://insightsinnursing.com/2010/06/whats-an-ex-nurse-episode-2/#respond
late night reading
Been reading Woody Guthries bound for glory for months, only now just getting the time and passion to finish this book. something kept brothering me when i was reading it, the name of Guthrie's house when his mother gets taken to the insane asylum. finally realised this song by Bill Callahan is about Guthrie! makes me kinda appreciate the song to a greater depth, now that i know about the protagonist life.
God Save the Dreamers
"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence
Brobdingnag (new mixtape)
I think this is my favourite mixtape I've ever created. It was done for a close family friend's birthday, who along with my dad has had the biggest influence on my musical taste. It features alot of songs which I played on my radio show and alot more that I whish I had got round to playing on it.
- Arp – Potentialities
- Matata – Talkin' Talkin'
- D.R. Hooker – Forge Your Own Chains
- Anne Briggs – Living by the Water
- Daniele Patucchi – Motivi Psichedelici [LA Piu' Allegra Storia del DeCamerone]
- Kath Bloom – The Breeze/My Baby Cries
- Vangelis – Sunny Earth
- Astrud Gilberto – Photograph
- Paul Piot & Paul Guiot – Amour, Vacances et Baroque
- Bill Fay – Scream in the Ears
- Georges Teperino – Weird Sounds No. 1
- Meic Stevens – Yorric (Early Version)
- Nelcy Sedibe – Holotelani (Daughter-In-Law)
- Blossom Toes – Look At Me I'm You
- Kim Sun – The Man Who Must Leave
- Clutchy Hopkins – Sound of the Ghost
- Phirpo Y Sus Caribes – Comencemos
- Taraf de Haïdouks – Dragoste de la Clejani
- Udokotela Shange Namajaha – Awungilobolele (Can You Pay Lobola for Me)
- Robbie Basho – Eagle Sails the Blue Diamond Waters
- Animal Hospital – A Safe Place
- Omar Khorshid – Rakset El Fadaa
- Sylvania East Side Symphony – Egbi Mi O/Black Man's Cry (Medley)
- Jean-Claude Vannier – Le Roi Des Mouches Et La Confiture De Rouse
- Pharoah Sanders – Colors
- Artie Shaw – Indian Love Call
- El Polen – Concordancia
- Top Drawer – Song of a Sinner
- Sir Victor Uwaifo And His Titibitis Of Africa – Sakpaide Special
- 1984 – Soldat
- Aphrodite's Child – The Four Horsemen
- Franco Battiato – Propiedad prohibida
- Bobb Trimble – Armour of the Shroud
"There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another."
intresting debate on music centership, only really intresiting to see how a bunch of idiots try to attack a musician with a reputation of being incredibly witty and intelligiant. it's a bit like watching four 80 year old's trying to take on a professional boxer who can't really be bothered.
i aslo read this a few years back and found it quite shocking that the brighton council would ban all homophobic music. excuse the source http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-499691/Brighton-city-ban-rap-music-offends-gays.html
if i rember rightly it was more due to a Jamaican dancehall artist coming to Brighton who i believe had been convicted of homophobic assaults and aslo sang about them. he was orgianlly to play at the Concorde but the show got canclled. don't really know where i agree with these actions, the cancelling of the gig is understandable but at one point it was talked about not allowing cd shops to sell artist like eminen and 50 cent, which seems a extreme action for a city that embraces it's gay populous surely these actions should be resevered to the majority of the places where very little is done about homophobia, if any action should be taken. as zappa infers in the above video these are words which illicit thoughts but are not the main influence on peoples actions. this kind of centeroship does not allow for these view to be openly challenged, it just mearly sweeps underlying issues out of sight.
Halloween Vol. 2
Track list:
- Wire – Heartbeat
- Night of the Living Dead (film extract)
- The Fuzztones – Living Sickness
- Kevin Coyne and Dagmar – Dead, Dying... Gone
- The Jesus Lizard – Nub
- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Tupelo
- Charles Manson – Sick City
- Kip Tyler – She's My Witch
- Scott Walker – The Plague
- The Barracudas – I Saw My Death In A Dream Last Night
- Coil – Tainted Love
- Echo & The Bunnymen – Angels and Devils
- Wall of Voodoo – Ring Of Fire
- Beasts of Bourbon – Psycho
- Dean Gitter – The Reaper's Ghost
- Freddie & The Hitch-Hikers – Sinners
- The Dream Syndicate – Halloween
- Roy Orbison – Running Scared
download link: click here
open with winrar: www.rarlab.com
I love you Giorgio Moroder but.....haha
love looking at his album covers, got a theory that mario was based on him.
"London is probably the most economically unequal affluent city the world has ever seen, outside of slavery. The richest ten per cent of people have 270 times more than the poorest ten per cent. That means if 270 of the poorest people were to spread all their stuff out on a football field, it would be equal to the belongings of one of the richest people.” D, Dorling.
"The study of pupil size as an indicator of emotion is known as pupillometrics. It was Eckhard Hess, a University of Chicago biopsychologist, who first used this term back in 1975. Hess has said he became interested in the study of pupils and dilation one night while in bed. He was looking through a book of 'strikingly beautiful' animal photos. His wife noted how big his pupils were and commented the light must be low, but Hess assured her there was plenty of light. The next day, he went to his lab and tested assistant James Polt with several photos of landscapes and one of a pin-up girl. Hess held the photos up to his head so he couldn’t see them, but noted that Polt’s pupils dilated when he saw the photo of the pin-up. The two embarked on their research on the subject after that."
so excited!
i always seem to get this stupidly odd ideas embedded in my head that gets me excited about stuff that will most probably never happen.
but anyhow nearly finished uni which is daunting but exciting and with friends we've all have been chatting about buying/renting first flat and i've the idea for a couple of years to one day own a boat. when i was kid i went on a family holiday on a barge boat and has to be the one of the best holidays i've ever been on. i'm most probably going to work in london as theres courses i want to do there and loads of jobs but the place can be a massive headache but having a look theres quite a big boathouse community there.
i've aslo worked out mortgage wise that with my starting slaray i could actually buy a boat. think i might rent for a couple of months before i did that though.
this is pretty sweet http://www.londontideway.com/boats-magriet.html
and this video will how in vision my boat to be like.
heres another one excuse the couple who play the chello and violin at the end, massivly wanky.
but anyhow nearly finished uni which is daunting but exciting and with friends we've all have been chatting about buying/renting first flat and i've the idea for a couple of years to one day own a boat. when i was kid i went on a family holiday on a barge boat and has to be the one of the best holidays i've ever been on. i'm most probably going to work in london as theres courses i want to do there and loads of jobs but the place can be a massive headache but having a look theres quite a big boathouse community there.
Little Venice. from Andrei on Vimeo.
i've aslo worked out mortgage wise that with my starting slaray i could actually buy a boat. think i might rent for a couple of months before i did that though.
this is pretty sweet http://www.londontideway.com/boats-magriet.html
and this video will how in vision my boat to be like.
Boathouse living from Shaun Goo on Vimeo.
heres another one excuse the couple who play the chello and violin at the end, massivly wanky.
one of the greatest authors of the 20th century
if not the best. i'm refeering to Herman Hesse of course.
heres a BBC dramatisation of the Glass Beard Game. not my favourite of his and it's not going to be as good as reading the actual book but more easily accesiable
heres a BBC dramatisation of the Glass Beard Game. not my favourite of his and it's not going to be as good as reading the actual book but more easily accesiable
newspapers mushpapers
heres a BBC article about whats being considered with university fees, interestingly looks like they have considered the point i was making earlier by offering reduced university fees to teachers and i guess nurses as well but making surgeon and lawyers pay more when they have graduated.
aslo there was another article about the 'people's university'
also I think this is incredibly interesting, addressing the things you often see in the media of white people being the saviour to other peoples problems.
a ipad would be great to sit outside in the garden and read all this crap with a coffee in the morning
look how sodding spoilt those kids are! meant to be crap reading it in the sun anway! damn those rich kids i want one.
This scares the shit out of me
"The true scale of Britain's national indebtedness was laid bare by the Office for National Statistics yesterday: almost £4 trillion, or £4,000bn, about four times higher than previously acknowledged.
It quantifies the burden that will be placed on future generations, and it is the ONS's first attempt to draw together the "off-balance-sheet" liabilities that have been accumulated by the state. The figures imply a huge "intergenerational transfer" – broadly in favour of today's "baby boomer" generation at the expense of younger people and future generations.
The debt primarily consists of the cost of public sector and state pensions, and of payments promised to private contractors under private finance initiatives. It far exceeds any of the figures so far published for the national debt, the largest current estimate for which is £903bn. That is projected to rise to £1.3trn by 2015.
If the current generation of taxpayers wanted to remove the higher bills facing their children and grandchildren, they would now be paying around 30 per cent more in tax."
The article goes on to say that many of the future generation will not experience the luxuries that the current generation have taken for granted such as affordable university. great to think that at my age i've possibly seen the best state that British society will ever be in and from now on will be a decline and even devolution in progress and even now at the decline of the peak there's massive problems and injustices. i wonder if i this problem will be solved in my life time or always lingering in the background to our development.
one of my lecturers said to me the greatest sin of a professional is not to share their knowledge. then whos going to learn when no one can access it.
The other day someone mentioned that a institution like a university is becoming redundant. They asked why most course can not be carried out on-line and by one single national exam body. This may be a extreme idea but seems quite a good one to me. however where would something like a practice based profession like nursing fit into this. open university do provide a nursing course, however i don't know how successful it is.
could university actually be a threat to nursing practice? seems i'm echoing my last post, something to ponder. but will individuals from privilege backgrounds, the ones who will be able to afford the new university fees be inclined to practice nursing. not attempting to classify people by class but to me my nursing cohort is predominately working and lower middle class individuals that come from state run schools. we will lose individuals like me, my friends and colleagues, who have a passion for caring and want to bring changes to the profession. just for the sake of academia?
i asked my friends this and they see the way nursing is heading is to have health care assistants making up the majority of staff and having just one nurse to do I.Vs and medication. arguably that is how it is now and it could be said there is nothing wrong with health care assistant but my god thats a bleak horriable few of nursing. why would we want it to ever turn out this way, with us having minmal interaction with the patients.
Nurse - I Want My Mummy
"The Study comprised of a modified activity sampling of nurses' duties. The results showed that with proper managment the nurses in the wards had time avaible to be able to care for the children's emotinal needs." hawthorn 1974
reading through some old nursing research and textbooks at the uni and finding it funny how modern research still finds the same findings. there seems to be something distincly different about nursing research and textsbook pre 1980's it's more emotinal and human, there seems to be a more postive motivation, that the knowledge being expressed can be utilised to help people. i think weve lost something stiriving to be too professional to show the unqiuness of nursing, in our attempts to push it forward and get it recongized as soemthing vauled against the medical profession, where losing our basic skills of kindness.
It even states in the book that nurses should spend less time with domestic tasks. that other workers can do this and that we spend more time with the children. ha reminds me of one of my lecturers and i always look up to the older nurses, as i find the younger one's who have only been quailfied in the last decade worry a tad too much about EBP and not about the kid. seems funny as it must have been the older genration who've pushed for nursing to go into this direction.
reading through some old nursing research and textbooks at the uni and finding it funny how modern research still finds the same findings. there seems to be something distincly different about nursing research and textsbook pre 1980's it's more emotinal and human, there seems to be a more postive motivation, that the knowledge being expressed can be utilised to help people. i think weve lost something stiriving to be too professional to show the unqiuness of nursing, in our attempts to push it forward and get it recongized as soemthing vauled against the medical profession, where losing our basic skills of kindness.
It even states in the book that nurses should spend less time with domestic tasks. that other workers can do this and that we spend more time with the children. ha reminds me of one of my lecturers and i always look up to the older nurses, as i find the younger one's who have only been quailfied in the last decade worry a tad too much about EBP and not about the kid. seems funny as it must have been the older genration who've pushed for nursing to go into this direction.
MSF and invisible children
over a few years i have taken an intrestest in tropical care and this has to moved to become a motivation towards my future in nursing. MSF are raising awareness on one of the biggest killers of children worldwide, which is malnutrition. by using the power of art and media, with exhibits taking place telling the stories of children. one of these aspects is the 'invisible' photographers, who document the feeding centres, care given by the NGO and how the local people in that area live and there problems.
the picture belows shows the use of a MSF assessment tool for malnutrition by measuring the width of the tissue over the humerus bone. the red area shows the child has sever life-threatening malnurtion and is in need of intesive feeding care. aslo recently listeing to MSF podcasts have been hearing about changes in feeding centre practices that they have infact become more community based, just like services in developed countries. as new dietary products have made it easier for parents to feed less cirtically malnursihed children at home. part of this is through the use of peanuts in a product called plumpy'nut: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plumpy
it has aslo been adapted so that it can help the local argituical community, such as in sudan chickpeas where utilsied as they where the locally grown produce thereby putting money back into the local economy.
Invisible Children
the picture belows shows the use of a MSF assessment tool for malnutrition by measuring the width of the tissue over the humerus bone. the red area shows the child has sever life-threatening malnurtion and is in need of intesive feeding care. aslo recently listeing to MSF podcasts have been hearing about changes in feeding centre practices that they have infact become more community based, just like services in developed countries. as new dietary products have made it easier for parents to feed less cirtically malnursihed children at home. part of this is through the use of peanuts in a product called plumpy'nut: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plumpy
it has aslo been adapted so that it can help the local argituical community, such as in sudan chickpeas where utilsied as they where the locally grown produce thereby putting money back into the local economy.
Invisible Children
Jo Spence and Thomas Rousset
Photo at very top and two below are by Thomas Rousset. The Picture directly above is by Jo Spence.
Been having a look through the library's photography books. not that they have a vast selection but came across this lady whose book is called cultural sniping. theres some quite increadable photos init and shamefully i can't find any on google to post up. she seems to be a bit of forgotton hero. Even though many modern bristih artist cite her as an influence. aslo increadbaly intresting from a nursing perpestcive as unfoanlty she dvelops breast cancer. the book is written by her as she's in a hospice and got printed after her death but she rights good accounts of the patient experince and take's some quite honest photos of herself coming to terms with her illness and death.
aslo found this bloke Thomas Rousset. well didn't really find him i've had his theme for my igoogle page for ages but never actually thought about googling who the bloke actually was. anyway his igoogle thing is great and his other stuff on his website is preety darn good as well! http://www.thomasrousset.com/
worlds largest picture is 45 gigapixels
quite incredible but at the same time you realise just how a boring place Dubai is but does look like something out of Star Wars
just brought one of these:
got its really cheap and with a few lenses really excited. going to take it travelling with me and as you can see has the potential to take great photos.
heres the making of it:
quite incredible but at the same time you realise just how a boring place Dubai is but does look like something out of Star Wars
just brought one of these:
got its really cheap and with a few lenses really excited. going to take it travelling with me and as you can see has the potential to take great photos.
just been reminded
watched iron man 2 the other day and became extrmely excited on seeing thor's hammer and the possible avengers movies in the future but reminded me that if the films get enough going to them then hopefully they will do the cival war ark.
i read all the cival war comics back in 2007 took me a few weeks to get through all of them but was completey blown away by this spiderman comic with captain america. captain america is the leader of the superhroes oppsing registration of people with super powers and therefore seen by the media and world as actually opposing america.

he then goes on to say "I remember the first time I really understood what it was to be an American...What it was to be a patriot."

now thats bloody good comic book writing!
i read all the cival war comics back in 2007 took me a few weeks to get through all of them but was completey blown away by this spiderman comic with captain america. captain america is the leader of the superhroes oppsing registration of people with super powers and therefore seen by the media and world as actually opposing america.
he then goes on to say "I remember the first time I really understood what it was to be an American...What it was to be a patriot."
"I was just a kid...A million years ago, it seems sometimes. Maybe twelve. I was reading Mark Twain.
And he wrote something that struck me right down to my core...something so powerful, so true, that it changed my life. I memorized it so I could repeat it to myself, over and over across the years. He wrote --'In a republic, who is the country?
Is it the government which is for the moment in the saddle? Why, the government is merely a temporary servant: it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn't. It's function is to obey orders, not originate them.
Who, then is the country? Is it the newspaper? Is it the pulpit? Why, these are mere parts of the country, not the whole of it, they have not command, they have only their little share in the command.
In a monarchy, the king and his family are the country: In a republic it is the common voice of the people each of you, for himself, by himself and on his own responsibility, must speak.
It is a solemn and weighty responsibility, and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of pulpit, press, government, or the empty catchphrases of politicians.
Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man.
To decide it against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let men label you as they may.
If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have your duty by yourself and by your country. Hold up your head. You have nothing to be ashamed of'."
Cap continues, "Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right.
This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences.
When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree besides the river of truth, and tell the whole world--
--No you move."
now thats bloody good comic book writing!
can't wait till i've got this film!
amazing soundtrack and 80's japanese mad max styled film! top notch!
new favourite blog! great way to tap into weird Japanese cinema
new banners for the radio show.

The olds one where a bit naff and seeing its a new term lets get some new banners! did them prating around last night. bit rubbish but i'm getting better at tinkering on these computer imagery thingys. there off Frank Sinatra as a young kid when he got arrested for sleeping with a married woman. very frank!
listen to the show at ILOVEJAMRADIO.CO.UK
facebook page: Goo Goo Muck
wordle + lastfm
crazy stuff to do with google. good to play with while listening to music.
and tiny computer drum thing www.thepixelplant.net/dmf/dmf.html
another year off great music and here are my top gems of the year. with very brief blurb on each one. click on the album covers if you want to hear them for yourself.
Dm Stith - Heavy Ghost. the demos showed more promise but it still makes my list. Haunting songs suited to night time.
The XX - Eponymous. the trendiest english band around but they actually have created a well crafted and produced album
Dead Man's Bones - Eponymous. its like a children's gospel choir with arcade fire that sing about zombies
Grizzly bear - Veckatimest. essentially a weird band making a pop album that managed to challenge jay-z and beyonce in the charts.
A Sunny Day In Glasgow - Ashes Grammer. distorted harmonies and layers of sounds. my fav of the bunch!
has to be a sad album on the list
Pink Mountaintops - Outside Love.
the lady from the band has her own album under the pseudonym lighting dust also highly recommend!
Twilight Sad - Forget The Night Ahead. King Creosote, we where promised jet-packs and the phantom band made all good albums this year but this one me over on the scottish side.
Bill Callahan - Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle
all my thoughts are prey to some beast
Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport says its 'experimental' but its not anything new
Birdy Nam Nam - Manual for Successful Rioting. good dance music
jj - jj n° 2. good everything
Bombay Bicycle Club - I had the blues but I shook them loose. another good pop album and scottish to!
Love - Love Lost finally official realise of everybody's gotta to live
makes the fav album list aswell. came in a glorious limited edition vinyl package from not not fun.
Dm Stith - Heavy Ghost. the demos showed more promise but it still makes my list. Haunting songs suited to night time.
The XX - Eponymous. the trendiest english band around but they actually have created a well crafted and produced album
Grizzly bear - Veckatimest. essentially a weird band making a pop album that managed to challenge jay-z and beyonce in the charts.
A Sunny Day In Glasgow - Ashes Grammer. distorted harmonies and layers of sounds. my fav of the bunch!
Former Ghosts - Fleurs
modern day this mortal coil!
The Antlers - Hospice
has to be a sad album on the list
Pink Mountaintops - Outside Love.
the lady from the band has her own album under the pseudonym lighting dust also highly recommend!
Twilight Sad - Forget The Night Ahead. King Creosote, we where promised jet-packs and the phantom band made all good albums this year but this one me over on the scottish side.
Bill Callahan - Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle
all my thoughts are prey to some beast
Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport says its 'experimental' but its not anything new
Birdy Nam Nam - Manual for Successful Rioting. good dance music
jj - jj n° 2. good everything
Bombay Bicycle Club - I had the blues but I shook them loose. another good pop album and scottish to!
Black Meteoric Star - Eponymous. Jogging Music!
Oldies out this year
Love - Love Lost finally official realise of everybody's gotta to live
Abner Jay - crazy old forgotten blues singer
Best Album Artwork
makes the fav album list aswell. came in a glorious limited edition vinyl package from not not fun.
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