



"London is probably the most economically unequal affluent city the world has ever seen, outside of slavery. The richest ten per cent of people have 270 times more than the poorest ten per cent. That means if 270 of the poorest people were to spread all their stuff out on a football field, it would be equal to the belongings of one of the richest people.” D, Dorling.


"The study of pupil size as an indicator of emotion is known as pupillometrics. It was Eckhard Hess, a University of Chicago biopsychologist, who first used this term back in 1975. Hess has said he became interested in the study of pupils and dilation one night while in bed. He was looking through a book of 'strikingly beautiful' animal photos. His wife noted how big his pupils were and commented the light must be low, but Hess assured her there was plenty of light. The next day, he went to his lab and tested assistant James Polt with several photos of landscapes and one of a pin-up girl. Hess held the photos up to his head so he couldn’t see them, but noted that Polt’s pupils dilated when he saw the photo of the pin-up. The two embarked on their research on the subject after that."


so excited!

i always seem to get this stupidly odd ideas embedded in my head that gets me excited about stuff that will most probably never happen.

but anyhow nearly finished uni which is daunting but exciting and with friends we've all have been chatting about buying/renting first flat and i've the idea for a couple of years to one day own a boat. when i was kid i went on a family holiday on a barge boat and has to be the one of the best holidays i've ever been on. i'm most probably going to work in london as theres courses i want to do there and loads of jobs but the place can be a massive headache but having a look theres quite a big boathouse community there.

Little Venice. from Andrei on Vimeo.

i've aslo worked out mortgage wise that with my starting slaray i could actually buy a boat. think i might rent for a couple of months before i did that though.

this is pretty sweet http://www.londontideway.com/boats-magriet.html

and this video will how in vision my boat to be like.

Boathouse living from Shaun Goo on Vimeo.

heres another one excuse the couple who play the chello and violin at the end, massivly wanky.