
Ethan Rose — Oaks Documentary from Holocene Music on Vimeo.

one of my favourite fan made music videos for this time of year.


late night reading

Been reading Woody Guthries bound for glory for months, only now just getting the time and passion to finish this book. something kept brothering me when i was reading it, the name of Guthrie's house when his mother gets taken to the insane asylum. finally realised this song by Bill Callahan is about Guthrie! makes me kinda appreciate the song to a greater depth, now that i know about the protagonist life.

Mingus: Charlie Mingus 1968 from Bartley Powers on Vimeo.


God Save the Dreamers

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible." Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence


Brobdingnag (new mixtape)

I think this is my favourite mixtape I've ever created. It was done for a close family friend's birthday, who along with my dad has had the biggest influence on my musical taste. It features alot of songs which I played on my radio show and alot more that I whish I had got round to playing on it.

  1. Arp – Potentialities 
  2. Matata – Talkin' Talkin' 
  3. D.R. Hooker – Forge Your Own Chains 
  4. Anne Briggs – Living by the Water 
  5. Daniele Patucchi – Motivi Psichedelici [LA Piu' Allegra Storia del DeCamerone] 
  6. Kath Bloom – The Breeze/My Baby Cries 
  7. Vangelis – Sunny Earth 
  8. Astrud Gilberto – Photograph 
  9. Paul Piot & Paul Guiot – Amour, Vacances et Baroque 
  10. Bill Fay – Scream in the Ears 
  11. Georges Teperino – Weird Sounds No. 1 
  12. Meic Stevens – Yorric (Early Version) 
  13. Nelcy Sedibe – Holotelani (Daughter-In-Law) 
  14. Blossom Toes – Look At Me I'm You 
  15. Kim Sun – The Man Who Must Leave 
  16. Clutchy Hopkins – Sound of the Ghost 
  17. Phirpo Y Sus Caribes – Comencemos 
  18. Taraf de Haïdouks – Dragoste de la Clejani 
  19. Udokotela Shange Namajaha – Awungilobolele (Can You Pay Lobola for Me) 
  20. Robbie Basho – Eagle Sails the Blue Diamond Waters 
  21. Animal Hospital – A Safe Place 
  22. Omar Khorshid – Rakset El Fadaa 
  23. Sylvania East Side Symphony – Egbi Mi O/Black Man's Cry (Medley) 
  24. Jean-Claude Vannier – Le Roi Des Mouches Et La Confiture De Rouse 
  25. Pharoah Sanders – Colors 
  26. Artie Shaw – Indian Love Call 
  27. El Polen – Concordancia 
  28. Top Drawer – Song of a Sinner 
  29. Sir Victor Uwaifo And His Titibitis Of Africa – Sakpaide Special 
  30. 1984 – Soldat 
  31. Aphrodite's Child – The Four Horsemen 
  32. Franco Battiato – Propiedad prohibida 
  33. Bobb Trimble – Armour of the Shroud


"There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another."

intresting debate on music centership, only really intresiting to see how a bunch of idiots try to attack a musician with a reputation of being incredibly witty and intelligiant. it's a bit like watching four 80 year old's trying to take on a professional boxer who can't really be bothered.

i aslo read this a few years back and found it quite shocking that the brighton council would ban all homophobic music. excuse the source http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-499691/Brighton-city-ban-rap-music-offends-gays.html
if i rember rightly it was more due to a Jamaican dancehall artist coming to Brighton who i believe had been convicted of homophobic assaults and aslo sang about them. he was orgianlly to play at the Concorde but the show got canclled. don't really know where i agree with these actions, the cancelling of the gig is understandable but at one point it was talked about not allowing cd shops to sell artist like eminen and 50 cent, which seems a extreme action for a city that embraces it's gay populous surely these actions should be resevered to the majority of the places where very little is done about homophobia, if any action should be taken. as zappa infers in the above video these are words which illicit thoughts but are not the main influence on peoples actions. this kind of centeroship does not allow for these view to be openly challenged, it just mearly sweeps underlying issues out of sight.


have just heard that Henryk Gorecki has passed away, he was someone i was lucky enough to discover in my universities libraries record collection among many great modern classical composers.

Easter Afternoon from Anne S. on Vimeo.


Time left till I go to India:



been a fan of the chills and the clean for a year or so but had no clue about the flying nun records, deserves to be mentioned alongside great record labels such as stiff, blue note, union and vertigo.
